CELLCLI LIST command can be used to monitor and monitor cell performance metrics
To receive some help on specific performance metric, use
list metricdefinition <metric_name> DETAIL
For Example:
CellCLI> list metricdefinition Io_LOAD DETAIL
name: IO_LOAD
description: "Average I/O load for hard disks"
metricType: Instantaneous
objectType: CELL
unit: Number
To display specific metric value, use:
name: CL_CPUT
alertState: normal
collectionTime: 2011-02-17T00:39:32-08:00
metricObjectName: cell
metricType: Instantaneous
metricValue: 30.6 %
objectType: CELL
LIST command also accepts where clause (attribute filters):
To Show all immediate non-zero performance metric values:
LIST METRICCURRENT where metricValue > 0
CD_IO_TM_R_LG CD_disk02_cell 36,321 us
CD_IO_TM_R_SM CD_disk01_cell 1,347,527 us
CD_IO_TM_R_SM CD_disk02_cell 1,151,048 us
CD_IO_TM_R_SM CD_disk03_cell 931,721 us
CD_IO_TM_R_SM CD_disk04_cell 2,286,866 us
CD_IO_TM_R_SM CD_disk05_cell 958,574 us
To show historical data, use LIST METRICHISTORY Command:
You can use metricobjectname to show specific disk and collectiontime to show specific timeframe.
Make sure to filter data as default "list metrichistory" would provide too much data to comprehend
CellCLI> list metrichistory CD_IO_RQ_W_SM where metricobjectname = CD_disk01_cell and collectiontime > '2011-02-17T00:53:01-08:00' and metricvalue > 0
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 350,071 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:53:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 356,091 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:54:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 358,111 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:55:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 381,131 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:56:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 454,151 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:57:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 470,171 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:58:19-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 640,191 IO requests 2011-02-17T00:59:20-08:00
CD_IO_RQ_W_SM CD_disk01_cell 850,211 IO requests 2011-02-17T01:00:20-08:00
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